It was a stupid reason.
As noted before on sites like lordsofpain etc, the reason being told for Daniel Bryan's release is because of him choking Justin Roberts with his own tie during the NXT invasion angle on RAW.
Word is that someone very important complained to WWE officials about the angle with the idea that kids who were watching may think it's fun to choke people with their ties. It's unknown who actually complained but it had to be someone with a lot of power.
This is stupid because bryan didnt even get a warning, nor did he get told the rules. The rookies were told 2 create haok and they did that. Some moron, possibly mattel, complained, saying that it was too violent for kids. When it wasnt. This pg thing has got to end. I was defending it but now, when world class atheletes get released like this, its got to go.
The wwe wants him back and he'l have that 90 day no compete clause and thats enough time 2 get him back.
Bryan is being described as a scapegoat. WWE does want to bring him back to the roster once the whole thing blows over.
Bryan was said by the locker room 2 be someone u want in there/.