My parents were last year in Boston and in New york and they counted very pretty things and they showed some spectacular pictures of USA, so I wait that they pass it very well in Mendoza, I recommend them that the county of Missions and the Counties of Río Negro and Chubut province visit they have some landscapes that move.
I needed to comment them that not all the Argentinians are resentful with united states how I read in a question that made an Argentinian, I astonished their so educated form of treating to the other ones their so correct way.
Not all Argentinians adore Maradona, it was the best player in soccer of the world, but his personality it is not anything good.
Don't be allowed to deceive for the Argentinean guides of tourism when they come to Buenos Aires,Perón and Evita they abused of the labor Argentinean class, they were the most corrupt, thieves and hidden murderers.They are those that began the corruption in this country.
I wish them a very good trip and a good time in the aconcagua mountain.
Sorry, my English is very bad!